sweet. just soooo sweet.
that was COOL!!! like ownage 100%, man!! amazing animation. can't wait for the ending on atomfilms.com. good luck and don't lose your head!! or at least not till you've finished the ending...;)
sweet. just soooo sweet.
that was COOL!!! like ownage 100%, man!! amazing animation. can't wait for the ending on atomfilms.com. good luck and don't lose your head!! or at least not till you've finished the ending...;)
the ending is finished ;) Just have to wait for all the licensing to come through
w00t!!! all my 5, base, whatever, belong to this!!
once again, the grafix were suberb. great detail, and i love the style of drawing! i don't know what it is, but your stuff just looks cool. nice one. can't wait for ZA7!!!
cool, thanks alot!
hmmmm, it was OK,
i suppose it's a bit hard to to the floating hands which madness has in clay, but you did a pretty good job. at some points it went a bit too quick, and the blood dripping down the screen at the end was terrible fbf. an OK effort, but it doesn't really do the madness justice.
I think you didn't watch it to the end. The blood dripping was the intro!!!!
lookin purdy good!
nice art & animation, man!! that is looking sweet! also good explosions, well done the guys at... whatever, wherever you co-op. anyway, the main problem was that the music did NOT suit the theme at all. much too upbeat. i mean, you don't have to listen to me but i just thought it didn't fit at ALL. anyway, nice job. looking forward to the main release.
P.S. 'Fifteenbellyrolls' you suck. he credited the song in the authors comments!! are you blind?! and btw, who says robots need human drivers?! you are seriously retarded.
sorry about that. never mind, good job, like i said. keep it up.
The song was added as opposed to having silence. I didn't have sound effects and One Tin Soldier kinda fit (Mobiles... fighting... Tin Soldier... get the idea?... ... .. lol )
FINALLY some good claymation!!!
i hated all the other claymations where some little man with no features goes around, meets more little men with no features... bit boring... but this RULED!!! damn good, i hate to think how much time & effort you've put into this. good job. (but what was with the really long special thanx list? i'm assuming that wwas a joke...) also, you should've put a hit zone around the replay button. that was pretty much the only fault.
lol fixed the replay button
Well i guess i'm going to have to do them all...
The Poop Mouse:
Good grafix, animation, looked quite like madness, but the sound was a bit lacking and it just didn't have the same feel.
Grafix were OK, but the animation was a bit slow and the concept was just fukd-up.
Quite funny, sound was good, but there wasn't much actual aniimation.
cancer is not funny, bitch. animation sucked.
Cam maske:
well none of them were really like the real madness...
Griafix, animation, sound, all amazing. and this was the only one with an acceptable storyline! brilliant bullet-time trails for the dancing, nice animation for the gunshots & explosions. seriously, if this doesn't win i'll go on a chainsaw rampage. praise, praise!!!
Guess what, fag, cancer isn't funny, unless if happens to you or people like you. It wasnt supposed to be a comedy you fucktard.
nice animation but...
when you sed 'short' you went a bit too far. i love madness tho, so i went easy on you.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 9/21/03